Wallboxes for direct connection

Wallboxes for direct connection

The following wallboxes can be connected directly to the Charge Repay Service by means of a configuration. No additional hardware is required. The configuration instructions are displayed to the company car driver during onboarding.

Please also note that the wallbox must be connected to the Internet by the company car driver. Depending on the wallbox, this can be done via WLAN or wired.

  • Mennekes Amtron Professional
  • ABL eMH2

Wallboxes for connection via Charge Repay Gateway

Any other wallbox not listed above with one charging point per electrical supply line can be connected to the Charge Repay Service using a Charge Repay Gateway and measurement hardware installed by our installation partners for billing purposes.

Hi, we are Anton Schönenberg and Cedric Culkowski and we are looking forward to your inquiry

Please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have any suggestions or comments, just send us a message to charge-repay@phoenixcontact-sb.io and we will reply as soon as possible.
