Electric Company Cars and Connected Vehicles: What Fleet Managers Need to KnowBlog

Learn how the vehicle connectivity of electric company cars can reduce administrative effort in fleet management and increase efficiency.


BY Cedric Culkowski / ON Sep 23, 2024

Electromobility not only brings a new type of propulsion but also a revolutionary form of vehicle connectivity. This allows data to be read from vehicles and commands to be sent, which is beneficial for both private users and fleet managers.

Important Interfaces and Technologies

Most electric vehicles offer an open interface from which data can be read or commands can be sent to the vehicle. In the private context, these interfaces are often used for the manufacturers’ apps. Drivers can view various information about the car’s status, such as mileage, battery status, charging status, and climate control. It is also possible to turn on the climate control or lock and unlock the vehicle.

Use Cases and Benefits of Vehicle Connectivity in the Fleet Context

This interface can also be very useful in the fleet context. In addition to TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) calculation, the health of the battery and the mileage can be viewed. Especially the mileage is an important metric for company cars that needs to be recorded regularly and tamper-proof. In classic combustion vehicles, this mileage had to be entered at every refueling. In electric cars, this entry is not possible as the vehicle is charged in various scenarios (at home, at work, and publicly).

Charge Repay Service Ladeung of a E-Car with AC-Cabel

Through the vehicle interface, mileage data can be transmitted daily to fleet management or broken down at the end of the month in an export in combination with the charging processes. This means that the user has no additional effort because they do not have to enter the mileage, and the fleet manager can use the charging processes and the driven kilometers for plausibility checks.

Benefits of the Vehicle Interface in the Fleet

  • Automatic Transmission of Mileage Data: Daily transmission to fleet management
  • Plausibility Check: Combination of mileage data and charging processes for verification
  • Reduced Effort: No manual entry of mileage by the user

Download our charge@home Guide now!

Our guide highlights the requirements for a home charging solution and explains what is needed to use it for legally compliant billing of company cars. Learn more about the installation of wallboxes, legal frameworks, and efficient billing solutions for home charging.


Further Benefits of Vehicle Interfaces

Depending on the system, it is also possible to view the status of the charging process or to start and stop charging processes. This is particularly interesting in the home area to make the best use of dynamic electricity tariffs or to implement a type of PV surplus charging via the vehicle. If an older wallbox is available that does not have a PV surplus charging function, the vehicle interface can be used in combination with weather data to implement PV surplus charging. The advantage is that this system is independent of the hardware and does not require a renewal of the home energy system.

Vehicle Connectivity with the Charge Repay Service

With the Charge Repay Service from Phoenix Contact, any wallbox model can be billed in compliance with calibration law . This significantly reduces the administrative effort for fleet managers and ensures legally compliant billing of charging costs .

Car Connectivity Module

The Charge Repay Service features a Car Connectivity Module that is currently in the pilot phase. This module can connect to the vehicle interfaces, allowing the mileage to be automatically transmitted to the Charge Repay Service and vehicle data to be conveniently accessed. This enables seamless integration and use of vehicle data for fleet management as well as for company car users.

Benefits of the Car Connectivity Module

  • Plug & Charge Now Authentication: Fast and secure authentication for access to the charging point.
  • Car Connectivity & Data Platform: A comprehensive platform for managing and analyzing vehicle data.
  • Smart and Dynamic Charging: Optimization of the charging process based on weather data, dynamic electricity tariffs, and other factors.

Data Protection and Data Security

An important aspect, especially in the context of company cars, is data protection. The vehicle interface can capture extensive personal data, which needs to be limited. It is important to work with an experienced service provider who has reviewed and applied data protection regulations. Data collection can be individually adjusted so that only data relevant to fleet management, such as mileage data, is transmitted.

Conclusion on Vehicle Connectivity

Vehicle connectivity offers numerous benefits for fleet managers and company car drivers. It enables more efficient management of vehicles, improves safety, and facilitates compliance with legal regulations. By using open interfaces, fleet managers and drivers can equally benefit from the advantages of connected vehicles.


Häufig gestellte Fragen

Vehicle connectivity, also known as vehicle connectivity, refers to the ability of vehicles to send and receive data. This allows various functions such as viewing battery status or starting and stopping charging processes remotely.
Fleet managers benefit from vehicle connectivity through automated transmission of mileage data, the possibility of plausibility checks, and reduced administrative effort as manual entries are eliminated.
By continuously monitoring and transmitting vehicle data, potential problems can be detected and resolved early. This increases safety for both drivers and the vehicles themselves.
It is important that the collected data complies with data protection regulations. This means that only relevant data should be collected and processed. Working with an experienced service provider who has reviewed and applied these regulations is essential.
Yes, private users can also benefit from vehicle connectivity. It allows them to conveniently monitor the status of the vehicle via an app and control various functions such as climate control or locking and unlocking the vehicle remotely.

Hi, we are Anton Schönenberg and Cedric Culkowski and we are looking forward to your inquiry

Please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have any suggestions or comments, just send us a message to charge-repay@phoenixcontact-sb.io and we will reply as soon as possible.
